what is the turn model?


Creates a holistic approach to empower the community

Uses evidence-based practices and provides opportunity for further evaluation

Provides opportunity for scalability

Engages entire community for greatest impact



Community Strategy & Development


Goal: To empower stakeholders to create transformative change within our community. (CTC Informed)



Community Outreach

Network and collaborate with organizations to address the needs of the families of Bronzeville.

  • Schools
  • Non-profits
  • FBO, Bronzeville Family Fest

Community Assessment and Planning

Conduct community need assessments and engage stakeholders in creating plans to address the needs identified.

  • Greater Bronzezille Neighborhood Network (GBNN)
  • Communities That Care (CTC)
  • Be The Healing

Safety Initiatives

Create a safe environment for children and families to live, go to school, and work in.

  • Safe Passages
  • Private Contracting

Project Management

Manage large-scale projects for meaningful impact in Bronzeville.

  • Summer Youth Employment Program

  • Festival Management/Support

Capacity Building

Equip organizations with the skills needed to effectively identify the needs of their communities and provide services needed.


Child & Family Services


Goal: To equip children and families with the resources and skills needed to be meet their physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, educational, and economical needs. (NATAL Informed)



Parenting Education

Provide families with the skills needed to provide a stable and healthy home for their children. 

  • Family Advocacy Center
  • Parent Cafe


Provide children and youth with positive adult role models that will help them make positive decisions and engage in healthy behavior.

  • Truancy Education And Mentoring, 

  • SEL Direct Services, Summer Camp

NATAL Inspired Trauma Counseling

Improve mental health conditions in the community and provide education to minimize the stigma and create access to care.

  • Helpline
  • Ambassadors


Empower youth to have a voice in critical issues impacting them in their community.

  • Youth Advocacy Council


Equip families with the skills and opportunities needed to create an economically stable home and community.

  • Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership – Job Club Host
  • Transitional Employment Opportunities